The Clinic Building
The clinic is located on the edge of the Steigerwald [Northern Bavaria] with a view over the Main River plateau. The house has 44 beds in friendly single or double rooms with a balcony, shower and WC. Spacious rooms are also available for leisure activities and there is a Japanese bath as well as a beautiful garden with pavilion. The clinic building was constructed according to organic architectural principles and is equipped for wheelchair access.
Peace and Quiet and Talks among PatientsThe building provides the peace and quiet necessary for ill patients. But we also place great value on creating opportunities for patients to talk to each other. Groups form spontaneously in the Panorama Room, when making music, in group therapies or at the events held evenings. Meals are also taken together in the dining room if the state of the health of the patient allows.
If you prefer quiet, you can retreat with relaxation exercises, meditation and autogenic training or take walks in the beautiful forest, the Steigerwald. Physicians and patients do not rush past each other here and there is plenty of time for talks and exchanges.
Visitors Are WelcomeRelatives of our patients often come to visit over the weekend. A boarding house is available for these guests. And if desired, a person accompanying a patient can also be accommodated in the patient's room in the clinic.
Food for Body and Soul
Our kitchen is mainly vegetarian. Meat and fish are seldom offered and lactoprotein products such as cheese or curd cheese are served sparingly. A well-balanced diet ensures purification, cleansing body tissue and improving the exchange of substances. Every day, our cook proves that meals rich in vegetables can also be very tasty. The products he uses are nearly exclusively raised under biologically controlled conditions and some of the ingredients even come from our own vegetable garden. These are nourishing, healthy and simply taste better. In case of food intolerances, our cooks will find out with the patient what is more easy on his stomach.
The Tea Kitchen as a Meeting PlacePopular meeting places in the clinic are the four small tea kitchens where patients can decoct their herbal medicine formulas or meet each other for tea. Fruit and beverages are free of charge in the clinic.
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